Wishes granted

Shannon's wish

The Angel Kirsty’s Wishes team was incredibly privileged to have granted our very first wish to a beautiful young lady named Shannon who has Cystic Fibrosis. Shannon was in the ‘extremely at risk’ category during the Covid19 pandemic, and therefore needed to remain in total isolation. This meant that Shannon was unable to attend her regular hospital appointments or do all the things she wanted to do, like take her adorable new little puppy for a walk, visit her boyfriend, or cuddle her gorgeous new-born baby nephew.

Shannon lived with her mum and her brother and, during the pandemic, she even had to stay distanced from them. Her family were unable to leave the house to go shopping or meet with friends in case they brought the virus back home to Shannon. Consequently, they all became fully reliant on their family and friends to bring them medicines, groceries and other essentials during their isolation.

Shannon, however, remained cheerful and she enjoyed the simple pleasures of chatting online with her friends, and sitting in her garden, where she studied nature, watched the clouds, and listened to the birds sing. Shannon also loved photography, and spent many happy hours taking photographs within the limited confines of her surroundings.

Shannon’s wish was for an AppleMac laptop on which she could edit her wonderful photographs. Angel Kirsty’s Wishes granted her wish and much more! As we were still in the midst of the pandemic, we booked a socially distanced meal for Shannon and her family at Miller & Carter, where we afterwards presented her with the AppleMac and her lovely mum with a large bouquet of flowers. Result – a happy Shannon and a very happy Angel Kirsty’s Wishes team!

Sylvie's wish

Sylvie was born on 26 March 2013 weighing 4lbs 10oz and, just four weeks later, she diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Throughout her young life, Sylvie had multiple hospital stays and, during one of those admissions, I was sent a TikTok video of her dancing. I was instantly captivated by her angelic face and fabulous dance moves!

Sylvie’s biggest wish was to see Little Mix playing in concert at the 02 Arena in London, which of course the Angel Kirsty’s Wishes team were very happy to grant. As the concert wasn’t until May 2022, our team had time to get to work with some special fundraising events especially for Sylvie, including a virtual magic night, featuring the fabulous magician Roberto Forzoni.

The Angel Kirsty’s Wishes team then decided to travel up north to meet Sylvie in person, and surprise her by granting some of the other wishes on her list! It was an emotional but delightful pleasure to meet Sylvie and her family and friends. We were greeted with an incredibly warm welcome and, between them all, they were extremely generous and raised a whopping £530! Our huge thanks go to Nic (Bloom Room), Ian, John and Sarah for nominating Sylvie, and helping to make her wish come true.

In May 2022, we were delighted to arrange for Sylvie and her family to come down to London, spend a night in a hotel and then attend the long-awaited Little Mix concert at the O2 Arena. Sylvie said it was a fantastic show and she had a fabulous time! We absolutely loved granting your wish, Sylvie.

Georgina's wish

When the Angel Kirsty’s Wishes team first became aware of a lovely young lady named Georgina, who was fighting a debilitating and chronic illness, we wanted to do something that would make her smile. Her mum, Sally, told us that Georgina would love an Eeyore bag, so our team instantly got to work to find her one.

Young Georgina’s health was particularly challenged in 2021, when she could no longer tolerate her feeding tube. She lost weight and was in constant pain. Her mum told us “It was heart-breaking and incredibly scary for us all. 2021 started in misery for Georgina, and this was followed by months and months of appalling health.”.

The Angel Kirsty’s Wishes team was more than delighted to grant Georgina’s wish for an Eeyore bag. We also added some Eeyore pyjamas, a pair of slippers, a Pandora bracelet, and a £100 gift card, so that Georgina and her sister could choose some charms for the bracelet.

A few months later, the Angel Kirsty’s Wishes team was able to grant another wish to Georgina. She was finding it difficult to get around in her wheelchair and needed a FreeWheel folding wheelchair attachment to help her move more easily on uneven pavements, roads, gravel and grass. Our team raised a fabulous £2,063 at a Charity Quiz night in aid of Angel Kirsty’s Wishes and was able to purchase the FreeWheel - and it arrived just in time for Georgina to attend the Reading Festival, where she was able to lift her front caster wheels off the ground and move around freely. She found it simply brilliant! We were so happy that we were able to do this for you, Georgina.